The Ultimate Guide To Metal Beds

It goes without saying that metal beds come in many different shapes and sizes, yet iron beds are the superior choice when it comes to choosing your bed frame. They have a traditional appearance, are sure to trigger feelings of warm nostalgia every time you settle down for the night, and the sturdy structure is built to last. Metal beds come in many different styles and the difficulty comes when trying to decide what type of metal bed to opt for and which frame will suit your practical and aesthetic design preferences. Luckily, this guide contains all you need to know about the different types of metal beds to choose from.

Iron Beds

The Sophie Iron Bed

The Edward Iron Bed

A traditional iron bed has an understated design that is sought after by many interior designers. The simple appearance makes it a popular metal bed choice for rooms that want to emanate a traditional aesthetic. Ideal for B&Bs hoping to impress guests, or for the home, iron bed frames are sure to become the focal point of any bedroom. Authentic beds are easy to distinguish from plastic replicas, as iron is unparalleled in its durability. Sturdy as a rock, the hardy frame won’t bend or creak as you roll over in your sleep, unlike beds constructed from plastic. Traditional wrought iron beds are crafted with care by professionals who know how to melt and meld iron together- the metal is easy to mould which makes it the ideal material for a bespoke finish. If you want a bed that will last and will also blend seamlessly into any bedroom design that you have, then a traditional Iron bed is the ideal purchase for you.

Iron and Brass Beds

The Victoria Iron & Brass Bed

The Albert Iron & Brass Bed

This type of bed is timeless and will make a stylish accompaniment to any bedroom. These bed frames still maintain the traditional aesthetic of iron beds, but with a shimmering flair of brass. As well as being beautiful, brass is a malleable metal that can be shaped according to your personal style preferences. Both masculine and feminine, this type of metal bed is sought after by many home and hotel owners looking for a bed frame that can be loved by everyone, for life. Iron and brass both age beautifully and the natural tarnishing that occurs over time only adds to the bed’s character and history.

Contemporary Metal Beds

The William Industrial Chic Bed

The Aurora Contemporary Chic Bed

For something a little bit different, adopt a contemporary metal bed into your life and enjoy a bespoke metal bed that doesn’t have an “old fashioned” appearance. Tailored to your taste, these contemporary beds can look as romantic or as edgy as you like, and the finishes can be tailored to suit your personal preferences. Described as ‘industrial chic’ for a reason, contemporary metal beds can take anything that life throws at them. Their unique structure is able to withstand the test of time while still being a comfortable bed to sleep on.

Brass and Nickel Beds

The Arthur Brass and Nickel Bed

The Rosie Brass and Nickel Bed

For a luxury sleeping experience, indulge in a handcrafted brass and nickel bed. The quality of these beds are unparalleled and a nickel coating brings the bed frame to a sparkling finish. As far as centrepieces go, nothing catches the eye more than a brass and nickel bed frame, which is guaranteed to become a treasured bedroom furnishing. Layers of iron, brass and nickel make this type of bed truly unique and the design options with the frame are endless: contemporary styles are easy to achieve, while platform and poster style beds can also be manufactured from the versatile metals.

You’ll have this bed for years to come, so it’s important to do your research and choose a bed that will hold pride of place in your home. Contact a member of the Wrought Iron and Brass Bed company to talk through your options.